Bike&Food is an experience created especially for bicycles and food lovers. Uncover the hidden secrets of one of Northern Italy's most captivating regions, where flourishing nature meets the passion of artisanal producers. Join us on this unique journey!

Time and Location
Oct 21, 2025, 3:00 PM – Oct 27, 2025, 10:00 AM
Mergozzo, Via Pallanza, 25, 28802 Mergozzo VB, Italia
Bike&Food è un'esperienza creata appositamente per gli amanti del ciclismo e della gastronomia, due dei più grandi patrimoni culturali italiani. Un itinerario per viaggiatori che desiderano esplorare i segreti di una regione dove natura e produttori artigianali convivono ancora in armonia. Pedaleremo in gruppo, guidati da professionisti, lungo strade secondarie e piste ciclabili, su bici elettriche o muscolari a seconda della forma fisica di ognuno. Ogni giorno visiteremo i produttori, degusteremo le prelibatezze locali e scopriremo i maestosi laghi e le montagne dell'Alto Piemonte.
Durata: 7 giorni, 6 notti. Uscite in bicicletta.
Livello: Principiante e Intermedio
Terreno: Strade secondarie e piste ciclabili.
Distanza/giorno: 40/60 km
Salita/giorno: 200/600m
Bike&Food was especially designed for those who love cycling and eating well, two of Italy's greatest cultural heritages. An itinerary for travelers who wish to explore the secrets of a region where nature and artisanal producers still coexist in harmony. We will cycle in a group, guided by professionals along secondary roads and cycle lanes, on electric or muscle bikes according to each person's physical fitness. Each day we will visit producers, tasting local delicacies and discovering the majestic lakes and mountains of Northern Piedmont.
Duration: 7 days, 6 nights. 5 Rides.
Level: Beginner and Intermediate
Terrain: Secondary roads and bike paths.
Distance/day: 40/60 km
Climb/day: 400/600m
Bike&Food é uma experiência criada especialmente para amantes da bicicleta e da gastronomia, dois dos grandes patrimônios culturais Italianos. Um roteiro para viajantes que desejam explorar os segredos de uma região onde natureza e produtores artesanais ainda convivem em harmonia. Pedalaremos em grupo, guiados por profissionais por estradas secundárias e ciclovias, sobre bicicletas elétricas ou musculares de acordo com o preparo físico de cada um. A cada dia visitaremos produtores, saboreando iguarias locais e conhecendo os majestosos lagos e montanhas do Alto Piemonte.
Duração: 7 dias, 6 noites. 5 saídas.
Nível: Iniciante e Intermediário
Terreno: Estradas secundárias e ciclovias.
Distância/dia: 40/60 km
Escalada/dia: 400/600m
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
Room 001 - Garden View
Atention - Price per Person First floor - 20 m2 Garden view Special accessibility Room capacity 2 people. Select the "Double 1" tariff for yourself and "Double 2" for your roommate. If you want single occupancy, please select the "Single" tariff. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
Room 101 - Garden View
Atention - Price per Person 1st floor - 20 m2 Garden view Room capacity 2 people. Select the "Double 1" tariff for yourself and "Double 2" for your roommate. If you want single occupancy, please select the "Single" tariff. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
Room 102 - Garden View
Atention - Price per Person 1st floor 22 m2 Garden view Select the "Double 1" tariff for yourself and "Double 2" for your roommate. If you want single occupancy, please select the "Single" tariff. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
Room 103 - Lake View Balcony
Atention - Price per Person 1st floor 18 m2 capacity for 2 people Select the "Double 1" tariff for yourself and "Double 2" for your roommate. If you want single occupancy, please select the "Single" tariff. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
Room 201 - Lake View
Atention - Price per Person 2nd floor 20 m2 capacity for 2 people Select the "Double 1" tariff for yourself and "Double 2" for your roommate. If you want single occupancy, please select the "Single" tariff. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
Room 202 - Lake View
Atention - Price per Person 2nd floor 22 m2 capacity for 2 people Select the "Double 1" tariff for yourself and "Double 2" for your roommate. If you want single occupancy, please select the "Single" tariff. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00
- Sale ends: Oct 21, 11:00 AM
La Mansarda
Atention - Price per Person 2nd floor 22 m2 capacity for 2 people Room capacity: 3 people (two single bed and one large sofa bed). Select the "Triple 1" tariff for yourself, "Triple 2" and "Triple 3" for your roommates. If you want double occupancy, please select the "Double 1" and "Double 2" tariff. Do not select this room if the "Triple 1" or "Double 1" tariffs are sold out. For assistance, please message us on Whatsapp +393935856315 Débora Parada
From €3,490.00 to €4,188.00- €3,490.00
- €3,490.00
- €4,188.00